Why Digital Signature ?

It is basically used to verify authenticity,integrity and non-repudiancy.

  •  - Military information of any country is very crucial and confidential to the respective country and some of this information is stored on internet so one can think how high security is required for these kind of cases. so here you can use Digital Signature to maintain integrity and authenticity of the confidential information.
  •   - You are surfing on an online E-COMMERCE site and shopping. There you will have to provide your credit card number and if some strong security is not there then there are "Hackers" ready to attack. So, in these type of cases RSA and Digital Signature are our saviours.
  •   - Today, you got online bill of your newly purchased PS-5 and the cost on it is more than it should be, but fortunately it's Digitally Signed!! So, you have a proof and you can tell the company that it was unlocked by their private key(can be any id in this case) only, so we can verify that it was sent by them only. This displays Non-repudiancy.
  •    - Here is an example to show that how Digital Signature works :

  • Please Note :

  • You Have to provide Integer Input Number :