Discrete Mathematics

Assigned By:-

Prof. Manish Gupta &
Prof. Manoj Raut

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) is an asymmetric encryption method that is frequently used in various goods and services. Asymmetric encryption encrypts and decrypts data using a key pair of public and private key. The formation of key pair results in the formation of private and public key. The private key is only known to inventor. Using RSA, the data can be encrypt and decrypt using private key and public key respectively and just because of these all reasons RSA is the most popular and widely used asymmetric algorithm.

Digital Signature

Digital Signature is digital equivalent of a handwritten signature. a digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and honesty of a digital document, message or software. Let's say you receive a pdf file from your friend then how you verify that this file is sent by your friend or any other third party person do this with your friend's phone? the ans is using digital signature....A digital signature is intended to solve the problem of tampering and impression in digital communications....